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Do you experience tinnitus ?
Are you distressed by your tinnitus?

Access tinnitus counselling with a highly experienced Tinnitus Therapist.


Dr Susan McCormack has over thirty years' clinical experience of helping people who are distressed by their tinnitus.
Tinnitus counselling is proven effective. Tinnitus counselling changes your emotional response to your tinnitus so that you no longer feel distressed by hearing it. Most people need 1 to 3 counselling sessions or if they experience severe tinnitus distress they may need 6 to 10 sessions. Although people who are distressed by their tinnitus need access to ongoing tinnitus counselling, it is not available in most NHS Trusts. I provide ongoing specialist person centred tinnitus counselling sessions. This therapeutic approach enables your experience of tinnitus distress to be fully explored and addressed.

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What is Tinnitus ?

Tinnitus is the term for the sensation of hearing sounds in the absence of any external sound. Tinnitus is very common and can be experienced by any age group. Approximately 30% of people will experience tinnitus during their lives and around 10% of people have persistent tinnitus.

Tinnitus can sound like ringing, buzzing, whooshing, humming, hissing, throbbing, music or singing. These sounds can be heard in one or both ears, or in the head. They may come and go, or they might be heard all the time.

If you experience tinnitus regularly or constantly, you need to see a GP. You may be referred to a specialist for further tests and treatment.

It is not always clear what causes tinnitus. If it is associated with inner ear damage, it is not currently curable.

What is Tinnitus Counselling ?

Tinnitus Counselling aims to reduce tinnitus distress and helps you manage your tinnitus by;
  • Exploring your experience of tinnitus and providing information about tinnitus
  • Exploring tinnitus management strategies and techniques 
  • Engaging in therapeutic interventions to address tinnitus distress
  • Signposting you to other support services
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